Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sweet Sunday: Shahi Piece for you

Ingredients for four persons-

- White Bread- 4 loafs (Each loaf diagonally cut in to 4 triangles)
- Desi Ghee- 6 table spoons
- Sugar Syrup- 1 cup (200 gms.)
- Khoya / Mava- 50 gms. (Heated and fried in Ghee)
- Kesar (saffron) color- (8 threads of kesar (Saffron) soaked in 2 table spoon of water)
- Cashew- 15 (Soaked in milk and made paste; to be fried and mixed with the Khoya or Mava)
- Cardamom powder- 4 pinch (for Garnishing)
- Pistachino- 4 (Sliced, for garnishing)
- ishmish (Raisins) - 16 (For garnishing)


1. Heat the ghee in a deep frying pan
2. Fry bread triangles in the heated ghee till they turn light brown or golden
3. Take the fried bread triangles out from the frying pan and put it aside for cooling and drain the ghee from fried bread pieces
4. Put khoya (Mava) and cashew paste in the heated ghee and stir them till it gains a dark creamish color
5. Remove the khoya (Mava)-cashew mix from the frying pan
6. For making sugar syrup- add one cup / 200 gms of clean crystal sugar in 1 ½ cups of clean water and put it on high flames. Stir constantly till the sugar crystal melts and thick and sticky syrup is ready.
7. Now add kesar (Saffron) color in the sugar syrup
8. Dip the bread triangles in sugar syrup and leave it for 30 minutes, so that sugar is uniformly mixed with the bread triangles
9. Cover the fried bread triangles with khoya (Mava)-cashew mix
10. Garnish with cardamom powder, Pistachino and raisins
11. Serve without freezing

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